In the event of a power cut, our teams work around the clock to restore your electricity as quickly as possible. We appreciate for some customers this may be particularly distressing and that’s why we offer extra support to customers who feel they need our help.
If you would like to be added to the Priority Services Register,
complete a quick form or text
PSR to
61999. We will normally contact you within 48 hours.
You can join our Priority Services Register if you:
- Are over the age of 60
- Have a special communication need
- Depend on electricity for home or medical care
- Have a child under 5 years of age
- Have chronic illness
- Or just feel you need a little extra help
You can also register with us if you feel you need support for a short period of time e.g. if you're recovering from an operation, if you are pregnant, or if you are recently bereaved.
Being on our register won't necessarily mean we can restore your power more quickly, however we will try to proactively contact you if we know of a problem in your area.
Signing up to the PSR allows us to support customers in 12 ways:
Welcome Pack
Sent to new PSR customers so they know what to expect from us and tell them about our services.
Proactive and Ongoing Contact
Updating customer at least every 3 hours in a powercut.
Customer Service on Site
Our nominated person on site process means that there is always someone to support customers.
2 Year Information Check
To confirm customer data and tell them about our services.
Vulnerable Packs
Issued during power cuts and storms. Includes an analogue phone.
Hot Food and Hotels
Provided for customers in prolonged outages and significant events. Extended to all customers after 48 hours.
Dedicated Number
Our calls are answered in an average of 6 seconds. In storms and significant events we have a dedicated welfare lines for PSR customers.
Resilience Partners
Providing additional services such as social care support, opening community buildings, catering vans and emotional support.
Where possible, provided for vulnerable customers to minimise impact during a power cut and planned works.
A range of services to improve accesibility such as:
- Large print information
- Information in braille
- Translation services
- Text relay
Short Term Vulnerability
Customers can register with us for support for a specific period of time.
Being Safe
Customers can request a password from us to safeguard against bogus callers.
If you use electrical medical equipment, you should make sure you are fully prepared for a power cut – here’s how:
We have created an Easy Read version of our Priority Services Leaflet which you can open here.
Sign up for the Priority Services Register using the links below or by calling us on 0330 10 10 167.
Have you heard about our Additional Support services? Click here to find out more or you can apply for both Priority Services Register and Additional Services on the link below
Priority & Additional Services Form
Apply Now
At SP Energy Networks, we ensure compliance with Ofgems License Conditions 8, 9 & 10, which relates to Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service, Arrangements for access to premises & Special Services. View our statements here.
This leaflet outlines our Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service.
To be removed from the Priority Services Register simply contact us on 0330 10 10 167.