Large sections of our network are located in areas at risk of severe weather. As with all our equipment, we carry out a comprehensive approach to asset condition monitoring and inspection.
Our current Investment Plan has been developed utilising our Asset Risk Management Policies and the replacement of ageing infrastructure is a key investment area in terms of our modernisation programme.
As part of our Investment Plan we are installing a New Primary Substation in Jackton in the grounds of the old Jackton Primary School. The existing network in South East Kilbride is at its limits and can take no additional load. The work is starting in September 2017 and is due to be complete late 2018.
There will be an increase in SP Energy Networks and Spratt vehicles. Spratt are our service partner on this job.
To allow us to safely lie in the ground 9280m of 11kV cable, 8280m of 33kV Cable, 750m of LV cable and a pilot cable.
We will be closing the B764, Easglesham Road for 5 weeks from the 30th October 2017 and clear diversions will be in place.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information please make contact via the following the email address:
Project Manager's email: