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SP Energy Networks launch safety videos


We have released a series of videos to help keep construction workers safe on site. The content is designed to be easy and quick to watch, containing key information to avoid electrical safety incidents.

The latest figures from Health and Safety Executive show that 45 serious incidents were reported on construction sites in the past year. Our helpful tips cover topics such as how to use cable plans effectively, special services such as tree cutting and safe digging techniques to prevent electrical accidents. 
Derek Bell, Health & Safety Director at SP Energy Networks, said: “We want to make electrical safety advice as easy as possible for construction workers to see and understand.
“With busy schedules and time pressures, it can seem daunting to properly get to grips with health and safety guidance when working around electricity, but our series of safety videos will help construction workers stay safe while working on site.
“By being aware of potential electrical hazards and how to negate them before activity starts, construction teams can help minimise the risk of accidents that occur due to workers striking power lines they’re unaware of.”
SP Energy Networks’ top safety tips include:
For underground cables:
  • Request cable plans from SP Energy Networks or your local network provider. We also work in conjunction with online utility map service provider LinesearchBeforeUdig (LSBUD) to provide access to their utility information
  • Use cable locators (CAT)
  • Wear appropriate PPE for excavation work
  • Always use safe digging techniques near known underground cables (i.e. hand dig)
  • Never dig when you don’t know what is in the ground
  • Always assume cables are live 
For overhead power lines:
  • Always risk assess your surroundings
  • Know the size of your machinery and equipment and do not operate if this breaches safety distances in relation to overhead power lines
  • Request a GS6 survey if you are unsure of the overhead line height
  • Look out. Look up! before carrying out any work on site
  • Seek advice from SP Energy Networks in relation to the work to ensure safety
  • Contact SP Energy Networks immediately if you notice trees growing too close to an overhead line. They will assign a local tree cutting co-ordinator who will arrange for any works required to be carried out by trained tree surgeons
  • Any tree cutting works are provided by SP Energy Networks free of charge Carry long objects at a low level and horizontally when passing under overhead power lines
  • Never attempt to undertake tree cutting near overhead powerlines. Contact SP Energy Networks on 0330 10 10 444 and they will arrange this for free
If anyone comes into contact with an underground cable or overhead line, contact 105. If anyone is injured and requires medical treatment, call 999 immediatly.
To watch the safety construction series, please visit 

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