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Meet our SPEN Hero Andy


Meet our SPEN Hero Andy!


As a Cable Jointer, Andy is one of our essential workers who maintains and repairs our electricity network to keep your power flowing through the lockdown and beyond. Although these critical works have been keeping him very busy throughout the pandemic, he found the time to support those less fortunate through the amazing initiatives he's involved with.

Andy really went above and beyond by completing an 84 mile walk from the Lake District to Liverpool to help raise funds for ‘James’ Place’, which offers lifesaving support to men in suicidal crisis. He raised over £6000, wore out walking shoes and suffered many blisters, but he didn’t stop there. He continued to provide much needed support to those around him struggling with mental health issues through the ‘Walk and Talk’ events he organised around Liverpool. 

And that’s not all! Over the Christmas season, Andy started his own foodbank initiative to support the most vulnerable in his community. He spent his holidays packing and delivering food and household parcels to the struggling families, in addition to providing the homeless in Liverpool city centre with hot drinks, food and warm clothing.

Not only is he truly committed to supporting people around him, but he also helped make our environment cleaner and greener by taking part in litter picking volunteering in Liverpool in August last year.

Andy has made a real difference in the lives of many, and his inspirational story truly defines what it means to be a real-life hero!

Well done Andy. Thank you for all your selfless work! 

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