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BL Overhead Line Major Refurbishment

SP Transmission have recently commenced the major refurbishment of one of our key overhead lines in the Scottish Borders.

BL overhead line operates at 132 kV and routes between Eccles and Berwick Substations running for a distance of over 40 km.

BC Overhead Line

The major refurbishment of the 71 tower line will include tower condition assessments and resulting maintenance along with the conductor replacement.  

The investment cost of the activity is in excess of £20 million and is scheduled for completion by December 2024. SP Energy Land Officers have the necessary arrangements in place with all the relevant landowners.

This activity is part of the £2 billion plus RIIO T2 price control period currently being delivered across SPENs infrastructure in central and southern Scotland ensuring the network continues to deliver a safe and secure energy supply as the nation transitions to net zero.

Contact Information

Should you require any further information please make contact via the following phone number or email address:

Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison email –
Press Enquiries – 0141 614 4535


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