01/10/2024 Euan Birch
In this blog, I set out our ambition to maintain a cyber resilient network and cyber secure services through our people, processes and technology.
Our SP Energy Networks flexibility team recently travelled to the Cwm Rheidol valley in the Ceredigion region of Mid-Wales to visit one of our providers supporting our network with operational flexibility, turning up or turning down their power generation to support network requirements.
03/09/2024 | Allan Holton
In this blog, the key themes are ‘Non-Load Investment’ and ‘Resilience’ - how we support and secure our network, ensuring we can run our business efficiently, provide high quality service and be resilient to changing circumstances & climate change.
14/08/2024 | Graham Campbell
Over a decade ago, SP Energy Networks began investigating how we could use power electronics at scale to support our customers. Before 2011, Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) conducted a few research projects implementing power electronics.
25/07/2024 | Craig McTaggart
As a transmission and distribution network owner, we play a critical role in enabling the transition to a cleaner future – supporting both the Scottish and UK Governments to achieve their targets of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 in Scotland and 2050 in the UK.
11/07/2024 | Pamela Mathieson
What does Flexibility have to do with Net Zero?
Quite a lot actually…the scale of decarbonisation means that by 2050 the peak demand on our distribution network is forecast to double. New demand, generation and storage will increasingly push our network assets beyond what they are designed for.
24/06/2024 | Angela Love
Ahead of publication of our RIIO-T3 Business Plan in December, we caught up with Angela Love - Chair of our Independent Net Zero Advisory Council (INZAC).
07/06/2024 | Chris Travers
Every day we work to ensure a resilient and reliable electricity supply to our customers – but did you know that some of this electricity travels miles under the sea before it reaches your home?
29/04/2024 | Lynda Ward
As a transmission and distribution network owner, we play a critical role in enabling the transition to a cleaner, future – supporting both the Scottish and UK Government to reach their Net Zero targets.
05/06/2024 | Lauren McCarthy
As a leading electricity networks business, SP Energy Networks has a critical role to help the UK meet its ambitious climate change targets and enable the transition to a low carbon economy.
28/03/2024 | David Boyland
As a transmission and distribution network owner, we play a critical role in enabling the transition to a cleaner, future – supporting both the Scottish and UK Government to reach their Net Zero targets.
27/02/2024 | Jillian Violaris
As a transmission and distribution network operator, we play a key role in enabling the transition to a cleaner, greener future - helping the Government reach its Net Zero target.
21/02/2024 | Andrew Stanger
The Scottish and UK Governments have set ambitious decarbonisation targets for Net Zero by 2045 and 2050 respectively. The next decade will be crucial in preparing the grid for the increase in electricity demand resulting from the decarbonisation of society and the economy.
28/11/2023 | Jack Evans
It was a pleasure to be part of opening Fife Council’s COP Conference 23 November 2023 with the Fife Partnership Board alongside Fife Council Chief Executive Ken Gourlay.
24/06/2024 | Rachel Donoghue
We recently joined up with SSEN to give Solace Scotland members a seminar on grid capacity and connection.