General FAQ's
1. What is the main purpose of the ConnectMore Interactive Map (CIM)?
Its main purpose is to help evaluate:
• The potential demand by area for public Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
• The likely ease of the connection onto the existing electrical network
By enabling these two datasets to be viewed together, the CIM is designed to identify
the optimum locations for EV chargepoint installation and help inform roll-out strategy.
2. What geographical area does the CIM cover?
The CIM covers the SP Energy Networks (SPEN) SP Manweb plc licence area: Merseyside,
Cheshire, North Shropshire, and North and Mid Wales.
3. Who is the CIM intended for?
Anybody interested in understanding potential future public EV charging demand and
the existing electrical network capacity for EV chargepoint connections.
4. Can anyone access this map/data?
Yes, it’s open to use by anyone.
5. Is it free to access and use the data?
6. Does it require any pre-existing knowledge to use it?
A basic knowledge of electrical networks and EV charging terminology e.g. capacity,
utilisation, demand, charging rates etc. would be useful, but for anybody unfamiliar
with such terms, a ‘How to’ guide is available.
7. What type of decisions can the CIM help to support?
The EV demand data within the CIM encompasses a range of possible future scenarios
based on differing criteria, displayed in 5-year increments from 2025. For example, it can
help to answer questions such as “Based on a plausible number of EVs in 2025, how many
chargepoints might be required in this particular area?” However, it is designed to only inform
decision-making - the data is a forecast rather than a confirmed outcome.
8. How has the EV uptake and demand data been developed?
The EV demand data has been developed by PTV Group for the Charge Project using a
detailed Transport Model of the licence area. This model contains car journey patterns in the
region – EV uptake has been forecast according to four different scenarios based on SPEN’s
Distribution Future Energy Scenarios and from input gathered during a series of scenario
planning workshops. Demand for public charging has been derived from the number of EVs
assumed, their likely trip patterns – including distance and energy consumption – and the
likely availability of private, home-based charging. The Transport Model displays demand up
to 2050 in 5-year increments, starting in 2025.
9. What are the four scenarios that EV uptake has been forecast against?
CIM users are provided with the ability to switch between four EV uptake scenarios, each
covering 2025-2050 in 5-year increments. The user selecting the scenario by adjusting the ‘EV
uptake’ and ‘Charging infrastructure’ switches and the year selection tool. Each of the four
possible combinations map to a specific EV uptake scenario, allowing the user to ascertain
how a sites utilisation might vary,

10. How accurate is the electrical network data? How has it been validated?
The data is taken from SPEN’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and validated by SPEN’s
Data Management team prior to being imported into the CIM. The electrical network data is
updated at least quarterly – the data in the CIM is time stamped after each update.
11. Where does the network capacity data come from?
The data comes from various SPEN databases relating to the network e.g. assets, feed
arrangements, load and demand etc. This data is then processed using load flow tools to
calculate the ‘capacity to connect’ which is displayed as a Red/Amber/Green status on each
network asset. The low voltage network is modelled using a combination of OpenDSS and
WinDEBUT. The high voltage network is modelled using Interactive Power System
Analysis (IPSA).
12. How is the CIM map geographically subdivided?
The map is split into geographic areas known as Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs).
LSOAs were designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics in England and Wales
and are generated to be as consistent in population size as possible. The minimum population
of each one is 1,000, while the mean is 1,500.
13. Can data (including specific searches) be exported/shared from the map?
If so, in what formats?
The underlying data for the Transport Model is available as a Comma-Separate Values (CSV)
download, accessible from the CIM. The electrical network data is not available for download,
as this will be regularly updated. If capacity data is required, the Transformer Loading
Database is available to download from the SPEN website.
14. Who owns the data? Who is responsible for updating it?
SPEN owns the data and is responsible for updating electrical network assets and connectivity
data as the network changes. SPEN is also responsible for sharing this data with EA
Technology, who are responsible for processing and displaying the data in ConnectMore.
15. Does the CIM display existing chargepoints?
No, chargepoints are not displayed on the CIM.
16. How long will the data be available for?
There are no plans to remove this data, it will remain live.
17. How does the CIM support the government’s commitment to ban the sale of new petrol
and diesel vehicles by 2030?
One of the primary barriers to the uptake of EVs is range anxiety. This can be alleviated by
improving and increasing the public charging infrastructure. The Charge Project will provide
the data to inform planning decisions via the CIM and also enable customers to self-generate
quotes for connections instantly via the ConnectMore EV Connection Cost Estimator (coming
in 2022), with both tools speeding up the chargepoint roll-out process ahead of 2030 and
beyond. One of the scenarios provided by the Transport Model – ‘On Course for Net Zero’ – (see
Q9) has been designed to align with the UK’s 2050 Net Zero targets and should be explored to
understand what level of infrastructure is required to meet these targets.
18. How can the CIM be used to drive investment in charging provision?
SPEN supports the 2050 Net Zero targets and is helping to accelerate chargepoint rollout by
making this tool freely available to everybody. The data in the CIM from the Transport Model
can be used to quickly and easily support business cases for installing chargepoints based on
the forecast demand in the area – however, it should be noted that these are scenarios, not a
single prediction. Other relevant factors such as land availability, costs and pricing should also
be considered together with data from this tool.
19. This is the first phase of the CIM’s map development. What will be added in
other releases that isn’t available now?
To allow users to derive benefits from the tool as early as possible, we have initially released
the CIM showing only the low voltage network capacity. The low voltage network is the part
of the network were the majority of chargepoints will be connected. We are working on
generating capacity maps for the high voltage network. In addition, we are also developing
the ConnectMore EV Connection Cost Estimator. Further details relating to this timeline can be
found here.
20. What is the Charge Project’s timeline?
Supported through Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition funding, the Charge Project
started in January 2019 and is due to be completed by December 2022. Further details about
the timeline can be found here.
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