Coylton Substation is situated in East Ayrshire - playing an important part in the transmission network allowing energy from local generation sources throughout Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway to be transported across central and southern Scotland and beyond.
The major projects team have recently successfully completed the replacement of two 275 kV transformers. With both transformers energised - network capacity is now increased.
The construction which was delivered in stages all took place within the existing substation footprint.
Ensuring our substations and overhead lines are operating effectively and efficiently is a priority at SP Energy Networks with our modernisation projects playing a central role in supporting the nations move to net zero.
Contact InformationShould you require any further information on these programmes please make contact via the following phone number or email address:Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison email – majorprojects@spenergynetworks.com