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Dalquhandy Wind Farm Grid Connection

SP Energy Networks are proposing the construction of a new 132kV wood pole overhead line in South Lanarkshire. The proposed development is needed to connect the approved Dalquhandy Wind Farm to the electricity transmission network.

The project is currently at the routeing consultation stage, before progressing to Environmental Impact Assessment and subsequent application for consent.

During this consultation stage we are seeking views on the route selection process we have so far undertaken and the preferred route arrived at. Public Consultation Events are scheduled to take place on the following dates:




Coalburn One Stop Shop, 42 Coalburn Rd, Coalburn, Lanark ML11 0LH

       Wednesday 3rd May & Thursday 4th May 2017

             14:00 - 19:30

The Routeing Consultation Report  provides full details of the proposal. From Tuesday the 2nd May a hard copy will also be made available at Coalburn One Stop Shop to  provide the local community with alternative access to the information. A copy of this document will also be provided to South Lanarkshire Council. 

The eventual route proposed for the connection will take into account views expressed during this consultation stage and we encourage the local community to attend. The Project Team will be present to answer questions and receive comment. 

Should you have any further enquiries or comments, please contact us at  or by writing to:

Dalquhandy Wind Farm Grid Connection,
Land and Planning,
SP Energy Networks,
Ochil House,
10 Technology Avenue,
Hamilton International Technology Park,
G72 0HT


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