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Dumfries and Galloway

Integrated Network Management


April 2018 - March 2023

Project Status


About the Project

About the Project

Dumfries and Galloway has among the UK’s highest proportion of connected renewable generation relative to its demand for energy. That can present difficulties when it comes to exporting renewable energy back to the electricity grid and connecting new projects. Currently, 90MW of distributed generation are connected in Dumfries and Galloway, while more than 200MW of additional distributed generation are contracted to connect in the future. As a result, we are implementing a revolutionary, wide-scale integrated network management zone across the area.

It’s the first integrated network management scheme of its kind in the UK and will span 11 grid supply points and interface with the System Operator. The project will help manage transmission network constraints by using an active network management (ANM) system to monitor and manage exports from distributed generation on SPEN’s network.

As well as resulting in fewer constraints for existing distributed energy resources, the system will enable the connection of new ones. By improving access to a heavily congested part of the network, we are directly supporting the move to a smarter flexible network.

It covers the installation of an Integrated Network Management scheme across Dumfries and Galloway. The scheme will help manage transmission network constraints in Dumfries and Galloway by installing an Active Network Management (ANM) scheme to manage the exports from Distributed Generation on SP Energy Networks’ Electricity Network. It will result in fewer constraints for Distributed Energy Resources and facilitate the connection of new Distributed Energy Resources. Currently, 90MW of distributed generation are connected in Dumfries and Galloway, and more than 200MW of additional distributed generation is contracted to connect in the future.


Project Objectives

  • Address the network constraints problem across 11 Grid Supply Points reducing existing constraints.
  • Establish an industry leading wide scale Active Network Management solution.
  • Simultaneously monitoring and matching network capacity with local generation output for Distributed Energy Resources of all sizes.
  • Significantly reduce the delay time for new connections of Distributed Energy Resources.
  • Allow more Renewable Generation to be connected to the Electricity Network.


The benefits for customers

  • Improve the service we provide to our customers by reducing constraints on connections.
  • More Renewable Generation will be connected to the Electricity Network, bringing benefits of £40m to customers.
  • Facilitate the connection of more zero carbon generation. That will contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 522k tonnes by 2031 - the same amount of carbon created by the consumption of 58m gallons of petrol - and advance the transition to a low carbon economy.
  • Ensure the Electricity Distribution Network is ready to respond with pace to new customer requirements as we move to a low carbon economy.
  • Utilise our existing network assets more efficiently, reducing costs for customers.


Project Partners, Academic Partners & Project Supporters

Project Partners

SP Transmission, System Operator (SO), Local connected and connecting Distributed Energy resources (DER)

Reports & Documents


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