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Ewe Hill Windfarm Connection

Wood PoleSP Energy Networks is the licensed Transmission Owner responsible for the transmission of electricity in central and southern Scotland. Our role is to maintain, operate and invest in our network to secure a safe, reliable and economic service for current and future network users.

As a regulated business we have been required to provide a connection for Ewe Hill Wind Farm which will result in work being carried out within the Annandale and Eskdale District of Dumfries and Galloway. Any connection to the transmission network has multiple factors which must be considered before determining the best way to undertake the activity involved. All of our projects are assessed in terms of community impact and as part of our Stakeholder Engagement Strategy we are committed to liaising with the local community in an effort to inform them of any proposed activity which may affect them. Part of this ongoing process is to provide information to the local elected members, community councils and the wider community, depending on the differing aspects and demands of each project.

Project Information

Ewe Hill Windfarm is situated on Crawthat Hill, several kilometres to the east of Lockerbie and is to be connected by approximately 17 kilometres of overhead wood pole line to the connection point at Gretna Substation situated at Aldermanseat. To safely complete the work, discussions with Dumfries and Galloway Council Roads Department will ensure Traffic Management Plans are in place for our activities in an effort to minimise any impact on the local community. Due to the geography of the route, a number of access tracks will need to be constructed - these tracks will be removed on completion of the work.
Preparatory work on the project commenced in late March 2016 with the programme of works due for completion by the end of the first quarter of 2017. Every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum and complete the work as safely and quickly as possible.

Contact Information

Should you require any further information on this project please make contact via the following phone number or email address
Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison


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