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Interactive Guide

Welcome to our interactive guide. You can use this page to quickly find information, forms and contact details. 

New connection, moving your meter or disconnecting your supply

Would you like an Estimate, to apply or view the connection process?

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Getting Connected: Customer Process page.

Click here to Visit page

Would you like an estimate, to apply or view the connection process?

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Completing the Move your existing supply (service alteration) estimate form.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Additional Load page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Diversion Page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Unmetered Connections Page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Additional Load page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Generation area of this website.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Please contact us to discuss any other connections jobs. You can find our contact information on the Contact Connections page:

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

View the Generation area of this website.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

View the Generation area of this website or watch the video below.

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Generation: Application Guides and Forms page .

Click here to visit page

Land rights and consents (wayleaves, servitudes and easements)

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Land Rights and Consents area of this website.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Viewing the Grantor's Charter document.

Click here to open PDF

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Land Rights page.

Click here to visit page

Electric vehicles, heat pumps & electrical storage

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Electric Vehicles page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Heat Pumps page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Policies, procedures and specifications page.

Click here to visit page

Network Plans

  • Request a network drawing (i.e. - to plan or allow construction to be carried out)
  • SP Energy Networks Investment strategy

For more information please contact us:

Central & Southern Scotland

Cheshire, Merseyside, N. Wales & N.Shropshire


0141 614 9903


0141 614 5666


0141 614 0085


0151 609 2178

Click to email

Click to email

SP Energy Networks
Data Management (Scotland)
55 Fullarton Drive
G32 8FA
SP Energy Networks,
Data Management (England and Wales)
Prenton Way
CH43 3ET

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Viewing the Statement of Methodology and Charges for Connection to SP Distribution Plc and SP Manweb Plc’s Electricity Distribution Systems document.

Click here to open PDF

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Standard Licence Conditions page on the OFGEM website

Click here to visit page

Information on the Quotation Accuracy Scheme is shown below:

Quotation Accuracy Scheme

This scheme allows you to assess whether the quotation you have received is accurate in terms of consistency with our published Statement of Methodology and Charges.

Once you have received your quotation, you can compare the cost with those within our Statement of Methodology and Charges. This scheme only applies to customers requiring small scale connections or modifications (1-4 domestic premises at low voltage or a single premise requiring one, two or three phase connections).

If our quotation falls outside the range of costs in our Statement of Methodology and Charges without a reasonable explanation, you may be entitled to a compensation payment.

Further information and guidance is provided below:

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Viewing the Guaranteed standards - Notice of Rights documents, linked below:

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Other Connection Providers area.

Click here to visit page

Guidance and Information

Click here

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Competition in Connections: Guidance and Information area.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Competition in Connections: Code of Practice area.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the About Competition in Connections: Support Documentation area.

Click here to visit page

For guidance on the connection process and application form support, please get in touch with us.

You can find our contact information on the Contact Connections page

Click here to visit page

Please use the information below to contact an account manager:

You can find this contact information on the Contact Connections page

Click here to visit page

Please use the information below to contact us regarding Competition in Connections:

You can find this contact information on the Contact Connections page

Click here to visit page

Would you like an Estimate, to apply or view the connection process?

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Completing the New Connection Estimate Form.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Moving Your Meter Customer Process page.

Click here to Visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the New Connections page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Completing the Disconnection estimate form.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Disconnections page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Move your existing supply (service alteration) page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Heat Maps area of this website

Click here to visit page

District Contacts

Please use the information below to find the district contacts for Scotland

You can find this contact information on the Contact Connections page

Click here to visit page

Please use the information below to find the district contacts for England & Wales

You can find this contact information on the Contact Connections page

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Electrical Energy Storage page of this website

Click here to visit page

Are you looking for information on Safer Excavations, or advice on working near our network?

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Safer Excavations area,

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Working Near our Network page.

Click here to visit page

Based on your selections, we would suggest:

Visiting the Disconnection Process page.

Click here to Visit page

Please email the signed Letter of Acceptance to:
Then please call 0141 614 6902 quoting the SP Energy Networks reference number on your offer letter to process your payment.

Please send your cheque together with your signed Letter of Acceptance to:

SP Energy Networks
General Administration
10th Floor
320 St. Vincent Street
G2 5AD

Please email the signed Letter of Acceptance to
Please use the following details to process your payment:

SP Distribution

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Address: 10 Gordon Street, Glasgow G31 3PL
Account Name: SP Distribution plc
Account Number: 10016323
Sort Code: 83-07-06
IBAN: GB21RBOS83070610016323

SPM Distribution

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Address: 10 Gordon Street, Glasgow G31 3PL
Account Name: SPM Distribution plc
Account Number: 10016293
Sort Code: 83-07-06
IBAN: GB55RBOS83070610016293





Please quote our payment reference number when making the payment by BACS or bank transfer.


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