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Low Carbon and Strategic Optimiser

Strategic Optimisation – About Us

Our Strategic Optimisation team supports local authorities to develop their energy plans and searches for new strategic alliances to efficiently achieve net zero. Strategic Optimisers are the strategic interface between local and national authorities and SPEN.

Strategic Optimisation projects and activities will include getting involved in Local and national authority plans for the development of a common strategy and developing an operating model for strategic optimisation. Our work includes:

  • Translating ambitions into deployable plans
  • Analysing network projects viability by determining future scenarios
  • Identifying commercial and strategic partnerships
  • Recognising whole system opportunities and feeding in appropriate plans and register
  • Undertaking financial modelling and cost benefit analysis for initiatives

Low Carbon Technology (LCT) is centric to future energy plans. Strategic Optimisers will contribute to the development of licences to be reflective of this. We work in conjunction with our Connection and Network Planning teams on planning ambitions that are learnt through collaboration with local authorities and attendance to meetings and consultations relating to LCTs.



Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) are expected to set out the long-term plan for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving their energy efficiency across an entire local authority area. More information can be found here.

Local Authorities are responsible for delivering their LHEES by 31st December 2023, providing their proposals to the Scottish Government. The role of SP Energy Networks is to support Local Authorities in the development of their strategies, providing expertise, guidance and access to relevant data and tools.

This support from SP Energy Networks to Local Authorities will come in the form of a Strategic Optimiser, who will provide optioneering and advice for the development of feasible Low Carbon Technology scenarios. They will also help Local Authorities gain access to useful data sets, via the Open Data Portal, and log in details for the LHEES Portal – a helpful, free self-service tool that will aid the development of low carbon solutions.

SPEN LHEES Portal User Guide



What is LHEES?

Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) are expected to set out the long-term plan for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving their energy efficiency across an entire local authority area. More information can be found on the Scot Gov LHEES report.

Who is reponsible for producing LHEES?

Local Authorities are responsible for delivering their LHEES by December 2023, providing their proposals to the Scottish Government. However, the role of SP Energy Networks is to support Local Authorities in the development of their LHEES, providing expertise, guidance and access to data sets on the Open Data Portal as well as LHEES Portal. In addition, SP Energy Networks will provide optioneering and advice for the development of feasible Low Carbon Technology scenarios.

What is the NAVI LHEES Portal?

The SP Energy Networks LHEES Portal, powered by NAVI, is used to efficiently model and identify impacts between local authority plans and internal SP Enery Networks plans and allows local authorities to simulate their heating & energy development strategies. The aim was to develop a platform in order to help local authoritiesto build their LHEES strategies in the most efficient way possible.

How do Local Authorities Access Data?

The SP Energy Networks Open Data Portal will allow local authorities to view data sets to help develop their LHEES. If additional data is required, there is an option to submit a further data request. Access the Open Data Portal can be found here and this is where access to the LHEES Portal will also be located. You can access the LHEES portal through the Open Data Portal.

How can Local Authorities submit proposals?

Using the LHEES Portal, Local Authorities will be able to simulate their heating & energy development strategies, with the assistance of the Strategic Optimiser, who will provide guidance, advice and optioneering to determine the most optimal scenarios. When the Local Authority is satisfied with the scenario outcomes, they can submit their final version on the Portal, in order to update the network and develop a joint understanding of strategies.

What can SP Energy Networks Provide?

SP Energy Networks will provide support to Local Authorities in the development of their LHEES via the Strategic Optimiser who will provide expertise, guidance and optioneering. SP Energy Networks will also provide access to data via the Open Data Portal and the LHEES Portal.

How do Local Authorities access Open Data & LHEES Portals?

To gain access, Local authorities should firstly arrange a discussion with one of the SP Energy Networks Strategic Optimisers, who will then provide log in credentials for the Open Data and LHEES Portals. The LHEES Portal can be accessed via the Open Data Portal.

How do Local Authorities get in contact with SP Energy Networks?

To contact SP Energy Networks, specifically regarding LHEES, local authorities should use the LHEES mailbox: or contact Strategic Optimiser, Jack Haynes -

 Contact Us

Jack Haynes - Strategic Optimiser:

LHEES Mailbox:


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