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Statutory Consultation Stage November 2017

Between November 2017 and February 2018, we consulted on our Proposed Development. This was an opportunity to let us know if there were any ways we could improve the Proposed Development and reduce any remaining effects.

Thank you to everyone that took part in the consultation. We are now considering all the comments we receive as part of our ongoing environmental and technical work.

A Consultation Report will be produced that sets out how feedback from both statutory and non-statutory consultations has shaped the design of the proposed development. This Consultation Report will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the application for a Development Consent Order. Any comments received from consultees may therefore be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate either in part or in their entirety with the application.

When the DCO application has been submitted to, and if accepted by, the Planning Inspectorate, SP Manweb will advertise that the application has been submitted and accepted and explain the next steps in the process.


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