We've detailed below some information that will help you understand the connection process for Distributed Generation.
New Distributed Generation network connections can be built by an Independent Connection Provider (ICP), Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) or SP Energy Networks. These connections may be adopted by SP Energy Networks or an IDNO.
Applicants wishing to apply under Competition in Connections can obtain further information from our adopted distributed generation page.
Decision Tree
The Energy Networks Association, in conjunction with Distribution Network Operators, has produced a series of Connection Guides to assist with connection of generation to the network. There are three separate Distributed Generation Connection Guides and the flowchart guides you to the most relevant Connection Guide for the Distributed Generation you are planning to install.

Note: This decision tree is only relevant where one generating unit is installed in each premises. In other cases. advice should be sought from the relevant Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).
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