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Utility Map Viewer

We provide free online access to our network records information on our Geographical Information System (GIS). This is done through our Utility Map Viewer (UMV) system. 

This access is available to companies registered as ICP or INDO, and contractors who are engaged in a process framework with ScottishPower/SP EnergyNetworks. Access is provided through a web portal on an as-requested basis.

To obtain contestable or contractor access:

  1. Forward an E-mail to our Admin Support at Please stipulate if you are an ICP/IDNO or contractor
  2. In return, a standard request form will be sent back outlining our terms and conditions and requesting the following information:
    • Company name and address (stipulate if you are an ICP/IDNO)
    • Ordnance Survey Copyright licence number*
    • Team leader (or equivalent) contact details
    • Details on each user requiring access (Name, telephone number and E-mail address)
  3. Each requester will receive the SPEN UMV Access Requirement Form which will enable our Administration team to determine the level of access granted (Contestable or Contractor)


* If you do not have this license it can be purchased directly from Ordnance Survey (OS) via the OS website.

UMV users need a PMCL (a basic paper map copy license).

Once approved, each user will be allocated individual log in details, which will be issued along with basic instructions and user guides.


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