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Sustainability | ScottishPower |

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Why We Innovate

Providing a reliable supply of electricity to homes and businesses is what we do. That’s why we are committed to delivering our shared vision for the network. We have an important part to play in enabling greater adoption of low carbon technologies and innovation is key to ensuring we overcome the challenges presented in the move to a low carbon economy.

What is Innovation to Us?

To us, innovation is about doing things differently, developing new solutions and advancing ideas to deliver benefits to the customers we serve. Innovation enhances many aspects of our business and enables us to improve the services we provide.

  • Technological - The engineering of new devices and systems.
  • Commercial - The development of new arrangements with customers and suppliers.
  • Operational and Process driven - The development of new practices.

Our Future Networks

Our Innovation strategy..

Think Big

Think in a ‘big-picture” way initially to ensure that larger trends are not missed and that they inform even minor changes.

Start Small

Find small pilot projects to test innovations on a limited scale that can be readily assessed and the potential benefits measured.

Scale Fast

Move as quickly as possible once an innovation has proven itself and make sure that the changes needed to maximise benefits are embedded into our business.

Energy Networks association - Annual innovation summary report 2023

The Energy Networks association - Annual innovation summary report 2023 highlights key trends, case studies, and progress against the shared strategic themes as networks move through the RIIO-2 price control period. This highlights the impact of the fifteen network operators across GB.


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