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Zero Carbon
Communities Hub

Welcome to the Zero Carbon Communities Hub

This resource is designed to support individuals and communities interested in reducing the carbon footprint in their local area and maximising local opportunities and benefits from a net zero future. If you are interested in developing your own community energy project, our step-by-step approach helps you to navigate the common pitfalls and, more importantly, find solutions to help you succeed.

Within our ZCC Hub you will find a range of resources and links which offer practical and technical advice to help guide you through your journey as well as examples of innovative community energy projects which we hope will inspire you to pursue your own initiatives.

Our ZCC Hub is a new resource, if you want to see a little less or a little more information about the topics covered here, let us know.


Community Groups & the Electricity System


The Role of Community Groups

Community groups have a key part to play in the move to a net zero economy. This can involve a wide range of actions, from helping local people understand how they can reduce their energy costs through insulation and improved energy efficiency, to demonstrating low carbon energy options in community buildings…


Getting up to Speed


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